Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lemme have ur PIN

RIM the makers of Blackberry will tell you it is business solution. I personally call it the all time communicating device. What many do not understand about this device is that while other phones are phones, a Blackberry is not phone…. It is a Blackberry. What I mean is this; while other phones are built to make and receive calls where any other feature is an accessory. With the Blackberry calling and receiving calls is one of the things it can do. The Blackberry is designed to always keep you abreast of any info. This because you get your e-mail in real time, you’re on the internet 24/7 and you gossip on the notorious Blackberry messenger.

I choose to describe the Blackberry in this way; Jason Derullo is a star but Michael Jackson is a superstar, a Toyota is car but a Ferrari is a supercar, Motorola and Samsung (some Nokias too) are phones but Blackberry is a super phone. Now you get the picture……. (RIM should pay me for this). This device has been nicknamed the crackberry because of people’s addiction to it, some of the addiction signs include driving and chatting, going to the toilet with your BB, BB in on hand and stirring the pot of soup on the fire, constant low battery, headaches and aching thumbs. Long and short of it, you find it hard to drop it. I claim not to be too addicted but my girlfriend says that my BB is my first girlfriend and she is number two. I believe they both seem content with the positions they occupy in my life, I mean my BB and my GF. I am guilty of some of the things I’ve written below and above, so please fellow BB users no offense.

Well, to cut the long story short, I am writing this piece because the Blackberry presently is rather overhyped as some people say which is true to an extent for those who don’t know its purposes. I have witnessed a lot of abuse to the device and it is rather annoying. Some people see it as a social status symbol, like if you don’t have one you don’t belong….bollocks to that notion. Can I have your PIN? Please lemme have your PIN have become common statements and comments from people you barely know. Nothing wrong with making new friends but please don’t become my friend because of BB. There is nothing as annoying when you’re talking with someone and the person is being distracted because of the BB’s messenger or a notification on facebook that the person has to respond to. The Blackberry then becomes like a baby wanting constant attention or like a girl with low self esteem that wants to be reassured she is fine all the time. This I say because on BB you receive texts, e-mails, calls, facebook notifications, BB messages, yahoo messenger, at the end of the month you have to pay for your BIS subscription, you have to charge your phone often because of constant use in chatting. At every point in time the BB wants you clutching it and starring at it for one reason or the other. All these could be sometimes overwhelming. The secret to what broke the camel’s back was not that last straw but the million other straws underneath it. Yes, let me share what made me really write this piece. A friend of my got invited for an all BB party where none of them in attendance had met themselves, they were all members of a group on BB messenger. My friend happened to be the only one without a BB; the BB in fact was like your invitation. So my friend and her friend’s friends all get to the venue of the get together to meet for the first time and after introductions were made these……hold on, I’m still looking for the adjective to describe them but these people start chatting. No, no, no, not with their mouths but with their Blackberries!!! My friend got mad and left not out of jealousy but out of anger. I felt the same way when I heard it too. The whole idea was absurd. Every time I think about it, I get upset and ask how vain can people be? What happened to your good old mouth that has been there with you from the day you were born? Very soon married couples would stop talking in bed and only communicate with the BB messenger.

If you’re guilty of this kind of crime, yes! I call it a crime, you should be flogged on national TV and I owe you no apology. All the other blackberry sins may be forgive able not this one. There is a big difference between tech savvy and tech stupid. I personally know that the remarkable device called a Blackberry has a lot to offer but being vain and ridiculous is not amongst them.

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